A Conspiracy Theory Has Gone Viral Which Claims the Super Bowl LVIII Logo Gives Away Which Teams Will Be in the Game

David Becker. Getty Images.

I think anyone who knows me or has read my content here can confirm that I like a good conspiracy theory. And by that I mean, - and I cannot emphasize this enough - a GOOD conspiracy theory. 

The deep state hiding evidence of extraterrestrials, Bigfoot, cattle mutilations, and the like. Secret government facilities like Area 51, Plum Island in Long Island Sound, and whatever is under the Denver airport. And as I've said about the JFK assassination, I used to be an "Oswald acted alone" guy, but I've done a 180 on that after further research. And based on everything that's been going on around us, I think all of us are way more open to ideas that we would've thought were laughably ridiculous four or five years ago. Things that used to sound utterly impossible now seem totally plausible. 

With that in mind, let's take a look at the conspiracy theory about the Super Bowl LVIII logo:

Daily Dot - The theory comes from TikTok creator Anna R (@annnarachel_), who drew over 3.7 million views to her video about the Super Bowl logo colors and connection to the teams playing. …

[A]s she explains, the logo for the edition that happened on Feb. 13, 2022, was red and yellow, and the game featured the Los Angeles Rams (whose primary colors are blue and yellow) and the Kansas City Chiefs (whose primary colors are, well, red and yellow). The following year, on Feb. 12, 2023, the logo was green and red, and the Chiefs played the Philadelphia Eagles, whose uniforms are predominantly green. 

Anna points out that the upcoming one, on Feb. 11, 2024, at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, has a purple and red logo. “It’s giving San Francisco 49ers versus. [Baltimore] Ravens,” she assessed.

As they say, it's important to keep an open mind; but not so open that your brains fall out. 

For starters, let me point out that however the text of what she's saying is being generated, it defaulted "Bengals" to "Bangles." And I'd like to state for the record I would make that trade in a heartbeat. 

Giphy Images.

But more to the point, when I mentioned how a theory has to be good to get my attention, I meant that it has to meet several criteria. First it has to be at least somewhat believable. Next, someone has to be capable of pulling it off. Last, and most importantly, like any crime, the conspirators have to be motivated. Conspiracies are a lot of work. The reason all UFOlogists give for the military lying about Area 51 and discrediting credible reports of sightings is that they're reverse engineering the alien tech so they can make super weapons with it. JFK assassination buffs believe the intelligence community won't release the documents because they show them to be complicit in the killing and the coverup. 

Do I believe the NFL might like to put certain teams in the Super Bowl over certain other teams? Of course I do. Do I think they're capable? Not even in the slightest. If they could, they'd have found a way to stop the Patriots all those years when America was sick of them. But they couldn't even successfully prove a quarterback unhatched a plot to make the game balls squishy and easy to grip, despite spending tens of millions of dollars trying. Hell, they can't even make Roger Goodell seem human, and they've been at that for years. How are we supposed to think they could navigate the Ravens and 49ers all the way through the second half of the season and through their conference playoffs? 

But the main reason I'm rejecting the premise is that, if the NFL could predetermine who was getting into the Super Bowl, they'd choose somebody else. Bigger market teams with more national fanbases. Dallas most likely. Pittsburgh probably. Or at the very least, go to the mattresses for the team that not only absolutely dominates the Corporate Partner TV Advertising game, but as Reags pointed out, has been getting the benefit of a suspicious number of controversial calls:

Now, if you want to convince me the league wants Kansas City to win in order to ride that Taylor Swift publicity tidal wave while helping coverup her own controversies:

… and to make sure Travis Kelce is on our screens 24 hours a day during the lead up to the game selling Covid booster shots, I'm all ears.

But still, I'm declaring this conspiracy about the logo, Myth: Busted. Unless the 49ers end up playing the Ravens. I which case I'm repurposing this blog to claim I suspect it was true all along.

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